We test each app in an objective way and give them scores that we can trace back to app performance. Therefore, we execute this test script to reach a verdict.
- Start: We take one week to test an app. We need the time to be able to judge how the spaced repetition works.
- First: Take your time. Be neutral and objective about an app.
Steps (assume around 5 minutes per step):
- Have a look at the homepage. Google an 'instruction video ...'
- Start using (create an account)
- Play around and get used to the app
- Create your own word list. "Days of the week in French"
- lundi = Monday
- mardi = Tuesday
- mercredi = Wednesday
- jeudi = Thursday
- vendredi = Friday
- samedi = Saturday
- dimanche = Sunday
- One ★ if successful in creating a free list
- Easy to start creating
- Easy to make a long list
- Easy to use keyboard only
- Automatic translations
- Select an existing list + AI
★ Easy to select, find options
★ Select a decent list - okay made, length okay - add the list
★ Have more options to choose from
★ Generate a list using AI. Generate e.g., a list called 'Starters on the menu of a restaurant'
★ Take over a list from an image: https://www.wozzol.nl/static/img/var/test-upload.png
- Learn this list. Error on the first three. Error a bit on the next 2. Make the last 2 perfect.
★ I can learn
★ I have multiple options to answer: flashcard, write the words down
★ The errors are repeated until answered correctly
★ There is a prompt to rehearse again in time
★ After a right period of time, the questions are asked again (Spaced repetition)
- Easy to use rating
★ Modern app, looks smooth
★ Good looking, nice colors/logo or something
★ Easy to start, no hiccups
★ Easy to do the actions above
- Try to share, import, and export a list
★ Share easily one list, e.g., by URL
★ Share easily all your lists
★ Export your list in an understandable format, e.g., TXT or CSV
★ Import a list from an easy-to-create format
★ Export all your lists at once
- Special features
- One ★ for every special feature that looks worth it
- Gaming elements
- One ★ for every gaming element that looks worth it
- Pros
- A bit of all the above. One ★ for every pro
- Cons
- A bit of all the above. 5 stars minus ★ for every con
- Price
- ★ 20- euro per month
- ★★ 10- euro per month
- ★★★ 5- euro per month
- ★★★★ 3- euro per month
- ★★★★★ 2- euro per month
We look at the cheapest deal. Lifetime is seen as 5 years premium. If you pay with privacy or ads less stars are earned
- Final score: average of all the above