Testing notes for Anki.
The advice is to download the desktop version. There we go! 150MB download and 515MB required space! I love web apps. I'll test that one as well beside this dinosaur. Loads of tutorials and videos on YouTube. Making an account - a lot of terms and conditions. Not suitable for minors.
- Create your own word list. "Days of the week in French"
★ one free succeeds - YES
★ easy to start creating - YES
★ easy to make a long list - YES - just tab and ctrl-enter
★ easy to use keyboard only - YES
★ automatic translations - NO
- Score: 80
- Select an existing list + AI
★ easy to select, find options - YES, a bit complex to download and import
★ select a decent list - okay made, length okay - add the list
★ have more options to choose from - YES
★ generate a list using AI. Generate e.g. a list called 'Starters on the menu of a restaurant' - ADD-ON - HALF
★ take over a list from an image - ADD-ON - HALF
- Score: 80
- Learn this list. Error hard on the first three. Error a bit on the next 2. Make the last 2 perfect.
★ I can learn - YES
★ I have multiple options to answer: flashcard, write the words down - HALF, mostly flashcard. Write down is possible but only as a different card option.
★ The errors are repeated until answered correctly - YES
★ There is a prompt to rehearse again in time - YES
★ After a right period, the questions are asked again (Spaced repetition) - YES
- Score: 90
- Easy to use rating
★ modern app, looks smooth - NO - it's not modern
★ good looking, nice colors/logo or something - OKAY
★ easy to start, no hiccups - YES
★★ easy to do the actions above - OKAY
- Score: 40
- Try to share, import and export a list
★ share easily one list, e.g., by URL - OKAY, complex sharing with just a friend
★ share easily all your lists - NO
★ export your list as an understandable format, e.g., txt or csv - YES, various options
★ import a list from an easy to create format - YES
★ export all your lists at once - YES
Score: 70
- Special features
One ★ for every special feature that looks worth it.
★ open source & add-on possibilities.
Score: 80
- Gaming elements
One ★ for every gaming element that looks worth it.
★ Statistics, Calendar, just some basics
Score: 30
- Pro
A bit of all the above. ★ for every pro
★ Open source / add-ins / huge community / good spaced repetition
Score: 80
- Cons
A bit of all the above. 5-star minus ★ for every con
X- this is not a modern app. The web app is not complete, the Android app is a bit different.
X- missing native AI options
X- lost in screens and options
X- I want to be able to e.g., type the answer
Score: 40
- Price
Free! Only for iOS, there is a fee. But Apple users are used to paying more.
Score: 100