Brainingo turns out to be a single-paged web application without deeper functionality. Usage is extremely straightforward but too basic and severely limited in practice.

- Create your own word list. "Days of the week in French"
★ one free if succeeds - YES
★ easy to start creating - YES
★ easy to make a long list - NO - no keyboard shortcuts
★ easy to use keyboard only - NO
★ automatic translations - NO

- Select an existing list + AI
★ easy to select, find options - NO
★ Select a decent list - NO
★ Have more options to choose from - NO
★ Generate a list using AI - NO
★ Take over a list from an image - NO

- Learn this list. Error hard on the first three. Error a bit on the next two. Make the last two perfect.
★ I can learn - YES
★ I have multiple options to answer - NO, only basic flashcards
★ The errors are repeated until answered correctly - NO
★ Prompted to rehearse again in time - NO
★ Spaced repetition feature - NO, lacks advanced repetition or scheduled reviews.

- Easy to use rating
★ Modern app, looks smooth - YES, clean and minimalist
★ Good looking, nice colors/logo or something - NO, too plain and basic
★ Easy to start, no hiccups - YES
★★ Easy to do the actions above - NO extra stars, as the app is too limited.

- Try to share, import and export a list
★ Share easily one list. e.g., by URL - NO
★ Share easily all your lists - NO
★ Export your list as understandable format, e.g., txt or csv - NO
★ Import a list from an easy-to-create format - NO
★ Export all your lists at once - NO, zero import/export options.

- Special features

- Gaming elements

- Pro
★ Very basic and free. Suitable for absolute minimalists.

- Cons
★ Extremely limited functionality.
★ Basic learning options significantly lacking (no retry, spaced repetition).

- Price
★ Totally free—no restrictions or costs.