The first impression is a full screen. You have to pass the premium options first. Ads blink on my screen. Plenty of tutorials and videos.

We test each app in an objective way and give them scores that we can retrace to app performance. Therefore we execute this test script to get to a verdict.
- Start: We take one week to test an app. We need the time to be able to judge how the spaced repetition works.
- First: take your time. Be neutral and objective about an app.
Steps (assume around 5 minutes per step):
- Have a look at the homepage. Google an 'instruction video ...'
- Start using (create an account)
- Play around and get used to the app

- Create your own word list. "Days of the week in French"
★ one free is succeeds - YES
★ easy to start creating - YES
★ easy to make a long list - YES
★ easy to use keyboard only - YES
★ automatic translations - YES, with multiple options
Score: 100
It somehow by itself detected the languages French and English. Bonus for that.

- Select an existing list + AI
★ easy to select, find options - YES
★ Select a decent list - okay made, length okay - add the list - YES
★ Have more options to choose from - YES
★ Generate a list using AI. - YES
★ Take over a list from an image. NO - strange. But you can upload .docx, .pdf, .pptx
Score: 80

- Learn this list. Error hard on the first three. Error a bit on the next 2. Make the last 2 perfect.
★ I can learn - YES
★ I have multiple options to answer: flashcard, write the words down - YES
★ The errors are repeated until answered correctly - YES
★ There is a prompt to rehearse again in time - YES
★ After a right period of time, the questions are asked again (Spaced repetition) - YES
Score: 100

- Easy to use rating
★ Modern app, looks smooth - YES
★ Good looking, nice colors/logo or something - YES
★ Easy to start, no hiccups - YES
★★ Easy to do the actions above - OKAY - busy screen, lot of icons, ads, mostly good
Score: 80

- Try to share, import and export a list
★ share easily one list. e.g. by url - YES - even promoted
★ share easily all your lists - YES - everything is public by default
★ export your list in an understandable format - YES, very easy
★ import a list from an easy-to-create format - YES
★ export all your lists at once - NO
Score: 80

- Special features
One ★ for every special feature that looks worth it
- Fun match game
- Quizlet live
- Export solutions
- Classes and test
Score: 80

- Gaming elements
One ★ for every gaming element that looks worth it
★ Achievements / encouragement when you're done
★ Match game
★ Progress bar
Score: 80
There are various basic gaming elements and some small games to play.

- Pros
A bit of all the above. ★ for every pro
★ There is a learning option that really makes you remember stuff with a combination of flashcard/multiple choice/writing
★ A complete solution in a modern app that works
★ Nice extras like Quizlet live and a match game
Score: 60

- Cons
A bit of all the above. 5 stars minus ★ for every con
- Ads in the free version (double con)
- Really busy screen
- Your usage data will be shared with a lot of 'partners'
Score: 20

- Price
€2.99/month - with a subtraction for the ads in the free version and sharing our data
Score: 50

Compare the flashcard apps! See which one is the best in which situation. Any comments? Please let me know! In this way, we can improve this list.