SlimStampen is a product of MemoryLab. Their motto is, "With MemoryLab’s adaptive learning system, you’ll spend your learning time optimally." It is all scientifically proven. They sell their product to help people learn in a smart way to large educational institutions and companies. As an individual, you can use SlimStampen for free. It is even GDPR compliant, and I trust they don't sell my data or feed me ads. So this sounds like the perfect completely free choice! Their website looks good. You can find videos, articles, and podcasts about how learning (with their products) works. Let's go!
- Create your own word list.
★ one free is succeeds - YES
★ easy to start creating - YES
★ easy to make a long list - MOSTLY - I had to tab a lot
★ easy to use keyboard only - MOSTLY - tab tab tab - ctrl or shift enter did not work
★ automatic translations - None found
Score: 70
- Select an existing list + AI
★ easy to select, find options - YES
★ Select a decent list - YES
★ Have more options to choose from - YES
★ Generate a list using AI - NO
★ Take over a list from an image - NO
Score: 60
- Learn this list. Error hard on the first three. Error a bit on the next 2. Make the last 2 perfect.
★ I can learn - YES
★ I have multiple options to answer: flashcard, write the words down - NO - I can only see open questions..
★ The errors are repeated until answered correctly - YES
★ There is promoted to rehearse again in time - YES
★ After a right period of time the questions are asked again (Spaced repetition) - YES
Score: 80
Perfect on spaced repetition. Limited method to provide an answer. Strange: you learn for a certain time. Not until you are done but a default time. I would like to finish when I am done. Or when I want to stop.
- Easy to use rating
★ Modern app, looks smooth - YES - Not native iOS/Android, but PWA does the job
★ Good looking, nice colors/logo or something - YES - basic but good enough
★ Easy to start, no hiccups - YES
★★ Easy to do the actions above - YES
Perfect score: 100
- Try to share, import and export a list
★ share easily one list. e.g. by URL - BIT - it looks like you can only share with users you add. Strange because you can see lessons of others. Something is not working
★ share easily all your lists - NO
★ export your list as understandable format, e.g. txt or csv - YES
★ import a list from an easy to create format - YES - import from their own Excel template. Not perfect but just good enough
★ export all your lists at once - NO
Score: 50
- Special features
One ★ for every special feature that looks worth it
★ Best spaced repetition
★ Best research behind it
Score: 40
- Gaming elements
One ★ for every gaming element that looks worth it
★ Basic progress indicator
★ Hurrah when you finished your lesson
Score: 40
- Pro
A bit of all the above. ★ for every pro
★ Best spaced repetition
★ Best research behind it
★ All free
Score: 60
- Cons
Clearly not a program that the builders want to make the best to monetize it. It is more a demo of the API sales of MemoryLab
No AI capabilities, basic things
Score: 60
- Price
All free: perfect score