Testing notes for Wozzol.
- Have a look at the homepage. Google an 'instruction video ...'
Nice colorful website. Clear. Good looking but to the point. No cookies on the website! No cookie banner. A lot of information on the website and a story about the company. There are instruction videos on the website; however, these are only in Dutch. There are only a few instruction videos on other websites or created by the community.
- Start using (create an account)
Wow - I can start without an account, test the app, and then create an account.
- Play around and get used to the app
The app is really clear. A lot of buttons and not much text. We should just try them. I can very easily start with a test list to try the app.

- Create your own word list. "Days of the week in French"
★ one free is succeeds - YES
★ easy to start creating - YES
★ easy to make a long list - YES - just tab and enter
★ easy to use keyboard only - YES
★ automatic translations - YES
Score: 100
Perfect score!

- Select an existing list + AI
★ easy to select, find options - YES
★ Select a decent list - YES
★ Have more options to choose from - YES
★ Generate a list using AI. - YES - Premium only
★ Take over a list from an image - YES - Premium only, use 10 times for free
Score: 100
Perfect - the more advanced AI features are premium only.

- Learn this list. Error hard on the first three. Error a bit on the next 2. Make the last 2 perfect.
★ I can learn - YES
★ I have multiple options to answer: flashcard, write the words down - YES
★ The errors are repeated until answered correctly - YES
★ There is a prompt to rehearse again in time - YES
★ After the right period of time, the questions are asked again (Spaced repetition) - YES
Score: 100
Where you create flashcards in other programs, here you create word pairs that you will learn (or sentences). The computer does not try to mimic the looks of a flashcard. However, there is a very nice "Print as flashcards" option. Print double-sided, cut the paper in parts, and you have real flashcards! Handy for new words. A lot of learning options - flashcards, writing down, and everything in between. Errors are rehearsed again in a single learning session and in the next. Perfect spaced repetition.

- Easy to use rating
★ Modern app, looks smooth - YES - it is a modern web app. Besides on the web, also available as a native iOS and Android app. Every app looks the same.
★ Good looking, nice colors/logo or something - YES - very clear and nice colors. Nice logo which you can also 'Pimp' with your earned 'Knowledge points'
★ Easy to start, no hiccups - YES, very easy
★★ Easy to do the actions above - Full score
Score: 100

- Try to share, import and export a list
★ share easily one list. e.g., by url - YES - hit the 'Share button'
★ share easily all your lists - YES - at the settings section
★ export your list as understandable format - YES - as plain text with = as divider
★ import a list from an easy-to-create format - YES import from plain text with = or tab as divider
★ export all your lists at once - YES - There is an option 'Export lists' with a download button. Downloaded as HTML, which can be easily copied as plain text.
Score: 100

- Special features
One ★ for every special feature that looks worth it
★ Haha, you can pimp the Wozzol logo. Real fun. You have to learn for a few days to be able to start
★ You learn by language. So all your lists for one language are in a separate space
★ Wozzol talks to you 'We are going to learn today' and there is a number of words you 'know' at that moment. It counts up after you learned and after some time, it counts down again (as you forget the words)
★ Special options for the facts you learn: use context sentences, learn images. If you paste a URL to an .mp3 file in your field to learn, it can even play the file to learn, e.g., birdsongs.
★ Use of mnemonics
Score: 100

- Gaming elements
One ★ for every gaming element that looks worth it
★ A system that counts the number of words that you 'know'.
★ A system of knowledge points: for each word that you know 1 day, you get a point
★ Pimp the Wozzol
★ Good progress indicator while learning
★ A 'fail spectacular' functionality: if you have a word wrong it may blink large in your screen.
★ Various games, memory, camel race
Score: 100
Full score! And the gaming just helps you to study. It is no distractor.

- Pro
A bit of all the above. ★ for every pro
Wozzol really helps you with learning. It gives you all the options to learn and encourages you to learn. It has all the options to manage your word lists. The premium price is very affordable. The privacy is superb with only technical cookies, no external statistics or ads.
Score: 100

- Cons
A bit of all the above. 5 stars minus ★ for every con
No big cons found yet. You cannot make a very complete flashcard with an image, a formula, and text.
Score: 100

- Price
The free version really works well. The premium version has extra options for only €1.50/month when paying for two years. This isn't even a recurring payment. Extra points for fairness instead of hoping you register a payment and forget about it!
Score: 100

Compare the flashcard apps! See which one is the best in which situation. Any comments? Please let me know! In this way, we can improve this list. info@wozzol.nl